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We cover the cost of Ground shipping for every order valued over $49.99 via FedEx, UPS or USPS depending on the order. Every item shipped out of our warehouse is fully insured by FedEx, UPS or USPS. Orders outside the 48 continental States require Second Day or Next Day Air service. APO or FPO address requires United States Postal Service Shipment (USPS) Option. Delivery time via Ground can range from 1 to 5 business days. Express shipping methods are available at checkout for an additional cost.
For security purposes, orders over $500 require a signature upon delivery. This ensures that your valuable items are safely received.
All shipments are insured to protect your purchase during transit. In the unlikely event that your package is lost or damaged, please contact us at [email protected] to file an insurance claim.
While we take every precaution to ensure the safe delivery of your package, OTTUHR is not liable for stolen packages once they have been delivered. However, we will assist you in submitting an insurance claim to recover the value of the lost item.
If you have any questions about our shipping policy, please contact us at:
Tampa, Florida
Email: [email protected]
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